Thursday, 16 December 2010

better late than never?

..continuing from the last post, 2 weeks ago... my new year's resolution is to be a better blogger.

Having chosen a location I then went about researching into the buildings history for inspiration. Googling and rummaging through directories at the records office I found out it had once been home to a number of electrical engineering companies but most successfully ran as a restaurant by a couple in the 80's... the wife had once been an air hostess and husband still a pilot who bought back food from local markets around the world to cook with.. mmm. With this in mind I went about observing social situations, people eating, drinking and talking as they once would have at Rhinegold.

Some initial drawings...

p.s. .. abit difficult to get people to stay still when they don't know your drawing them, hence the lack of faces! I also took alot sneaky photos.. i'd upload the funnies but would probably be breaking quite a few laws and go to jail.

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